Self Mastery Coaching

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Your Time Has Come

Don’t Miss Your Moment

Your Journey Begins Here

You are a composite of strengths, experiences, talents, skills, beliefs, values, and gifts. These are all a part of who you are.

This workshop is structured to help you increase your self-awareness of how you are designed. The better you understand your internal design, the better you will understand the types of activities you were designed to do.

When we excel at what we do, we enjoy greater success and fulfillment.

Your Uniqueness

You are a unique creation. Your uniqueness is a composite of your talents, gifts, passions, heredity, culture, experiences, the good and the bad, education and training. Even the very words spoken over and to you have helped to shape you into who you are today.

How much do you really know about who you really are?

As you go through the workshop, some circumstances and events you will want to embrace and build upon, while others you may want to dismiss and replace with new ideas. 

Your Strengths

Your strengths are your innate talents that include spiritual and natural gifts, as well as talents that are already inside you.

These are often things that seem to come very natural for you, and that you just seem to be good at without a great deal of effort. Even though they come easily, they only become genuine strengths when they are developed by adding knowledge, training, and practice.

Think of them as tools that have been given by an intelligent Creator, and given to you for specific purposes planned for you. You will need these strengths to perform your purposes in life, somewhere and for someone.

Your Passions

You may think about passions as things that motivate you to take action, such as homelessness, child sickness, domestic violence, leadership, wealth building.

What is important to realize is that it is not things that motivate you, but the people who are affected by the things; those who are homeless, the sick children, those who fall under your leadership, those in poverty.

Passions are about people and not things. It is the people you must recognize that you are called to serve, and not things.

Would you Like to know more?

Schedule a 30-minute inquiry phone or Zoom meeting with the link below.


Amy from Gateway Church said . . .

“”Diana was my coach over a seven week class on discovering your life purpose. She was fully engaged in helping me to uncover the things that resonated with me by asking questions and helping to articulate what I was thinking but struggling to express. She would check up on me during the weeks between classes and send additional information that she thought would be beneficial. I recommend experiencing Diana’s heart and genuine care for your well being”.

Bob from Gateway Church said . . .

“As I worked through the ID in Christ class at Gateway recently, Diana helped keep our group focused and created a trusting environment to help us share our insights and identify our spiritual gifts. Just as importantly, Diana then helped us create a strategic plan to use these tools in ministering to others. Diana has been blessed with the ability to turn Biblical concepts into ‘real world’ activities by helping us to discern God’s will.”

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