The key to discovering purpose, is understanding the design.
If anything created is designed to solve a problem or meet a need, the key to understanding the need, problem, or purpose, is understanding the design of what has been created.
This is my favorite example, and it is so very simple. If you look at the design of a spoon, you automatically know it is designed to eat liquid. You know that by the design.
Design reveals purpose. The more you understand how you are designed, the more you understand the purpose for which you were created.
The design process has various pieces and parts, and you must understand the pieces and parts that make up your design. When you put those pieces together, you see a composite that reveals your purpose.
One caution. This is not a scientific process, but a creative process. That means that the degree of accuracy of your composite determines the degree of accuracy of your findings. In other words, you may not get it all at one sitting. You may have to work with fitting your pieces together until your puzzle pieces fit together right. You may have to take some pieces out and refine others. It is a process, but an exciting one!
This is where the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. When you discover the whole, you have discovered your purpose.
I’m Coach Diana Dee
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