Understanding what I call “The Creative Process,” is ground zero for living a life driven by purpose.
Anything that has been created was created with a purpose. Think about it like this. What intelligent person would take the time and resources to create something for no reason? It wouldn’t happen. Everything created begins with a purpose.
The purpose may be called a need or perhaps a problem that needs to be solved. Whatever you choose to call it, it is where creation begins.
Once a creator discovers a need he or she desires to meet — or a problem to solve, the next thing the creator does is develop the design. Think about an app developer who sees a need and decides to create an app for the need. He designs the app based on the need he desires to meet, or the problem he desires to solve. Once the design is completed, he or she is then ready to create.
The Creative Process begins with purpose and moves to design and then on to creation.
If you believe that you are a created being, you must then believe that you were created with purpose already inside of you.
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